Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Holy Grail Project for AutoBlogging GeekOutFridays Zoom Call 070221

In this episode of Geek Out Fridays, I go over the "Holy Grail" of Autoblogging.

The Holy Grail of Automated Content Marketing, we are going to change how autoblogging works in the future. We are developing a system that will combine all of these features: artificial intelligence, contextual content, and images, human-voiced podcasts and auto-generated videos so you never miss out on any information again!

Here is the list of tools that were mentioned in this video that we are using in the workflow

Follow this link to the mindmap that you can download,


Want more marketing automation tips like these? then sign up for our bi-weekly mastermind series called "Geek Out Fridays" at Noon ET every other Friday. Join us for #GeekOutFridays by registering here:

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