Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Geek Out Fridays 060421 - New Feature added to RSSMasher

In this episode, we show you a NEW feature that makes it so easy to share quotes on social media. With the "Quote Tab," now you can turn your favorite quotes into an RSS feed for posting online or selecting by category. Plus if you're one of our API Club members, soon enough there will be more ways than ever before to make sure those images are engaging posts!

In this episode we go over some updates and additions in our software called RSSMasher including the new Quote tab which lets users post their favorite quote as easily as possible with just a few clicks - making it easier than ever before!

Check out all the other things you can do with

Here are the links we shared on the call:


Want more marketing automation tips like these? then sign up for our bi-weekly mastermind series called "Geek Out Fridays" at Noon ET on every other Friday.

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