Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Geek Out Fridays 12-2-22 AI Smackdown - Review of 4 AI writing tools

Geek Out Fridays 12-2-22 AI Smackdown - Review of 4 AI writing tools.

In this #geekoutfridays call, we review 4 AI writing assistant tools we use weekly in our content marketing workflow.
The challenge was to create a 500+ word blog in 15 minutes or less with each tool.

We used this Blog Topic:
How to convert your garage into a home office this weekend

With these keywords:
convert the garage to the home office,
garage home office ideas,
transform the garage into the office,
building a room in the garage,
garage conversion plans,
garage to home office cost

And here is the content summary we started with:
Are you tired of working in a cramped and uncomfortable home office? Are you looking for a way to expand your workspace without breaking the bank? If so, converting your garage into a home office may be the perfect solution. You can have a functional and beautiful new office space in just a few short hours. Here's how to do it.

Unedited Blog results can be compared here:


Resource links for GOF 120222

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